Serious personal injury and wrongful death can occur as a result of many different kinds of negligence, including:
- Auto, motorcycle, or tractor trailer collisions
- Work accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Professional negligence
If you have been injured by the negligence of a company or another person, you may be compensated for those injuries as well as for the way those injuries have affected your life. Chandler Law represents those seriously injured by the negligence of others, the Estate of the deceased and the surviving family members of individuals who have been seriously injured or died as a result of that negligence.
Before you can file a lawsuit, you first need to understand whether you have a case, and then weigh the potential costs against potential outcomes. Chandler Law utilizes a 5-step process to help determine the best course of action.
5 Steps to Determine Best Serious Personal Injury Actions
- What went wrong? Full and open communication about the accident and damage, injury, or death.
- Is there a case? Review of case facts, quality of the available data, and legal precedent.
- What options are available for resolution? Sometimes a quick insurance settlement has a more lucrative net result than a prolonged court case.
- What is the value? Determination of the potential award as well as the potential expenses for the available options.
- How best to proceed? Build a tactical plan to aggressively pursue your goals and rights.
Chandler Law is very selective, but also very realistic, when taking on serious personal injury cases. By setting realistic expectations, our clients understand what the risks are and are able to make informed decisions about how to proceed, whether with settlement or to trial.
So don’t trust a billboard or make your decision based on TV advertisement headlines. Contact Chandler Law to speak directly with an experienced litigation attorney, to understand your rights, and to know where you stand.