We’ve been discussing malpractice insurance for lawyers lately, which brings up the question, what policy provisions can you, as an insured lawyer, expect to see in your malpractice [...]
Although there is no regulatory reporting requirement, some insurance industry experts estimate that up to 25% of Georgia lawyers do not have legal malpractice insurance. We’ve already [...]
In our last article, we discussed the importance of all lawyers buying sufficient malpractice (sometimes called “errors & omissions”) insurance coverage, and why it is important [...]
There are two questions that every client should ask: does my lawyer have professional liability (“malpractice” or “errors and omissions”) insurance? And, does my lawyer [...]
Shortly after graduation from law school—and sometimes before—it will become apparent to you as a prospective attorney that in order to begin practicing law and paying your student loans, you are [...]
Douglas Chandler represents clients in attorney discipline, professional malpractice and personal injury matters. Atlanta, GA – February 2016 — Douglas Chandler has been selected for the second [...]
On March 2nd, Chandler Law’s Douglas Chandler co-chaired the Professional Liability Section of the State Bar of Georgia’s seminar “Not Your Typical CLE: What We’ve Got [...]
On March 10, 2016, Douglas Chandler of Chandler Law, Aubrey Smith and Ben Parks of the Southern Lawyers Insurance Program, and David Moon of Lan-Tech/Compass Point Legal spoke to lawyers and [...]
We have represented clients in legal malpractice matters, and defended lawyers in State Bar disciplinary grievance cases, where the alleged negligent advice giving rise to the claim or grievance [...]
Every lawyer has more than one story about a potential client who contacted them, desperate for them to take their case, and it was just … a terrible case. Sometimes the potential clients [...]