Douglas Chandler speaks at Nuts and Bolts of Family Law ICLE seminar

 In Firm Announcements, Georgia State Bar Grievances, Legal Ethics & Malpractice

On August 28, 2015, Douglas Chandler of Chandler Law was invited by seminar Co-Chairs Gary P. Graham, of Stern & Edlin, and Paul Johnson and Scot Kraeuter,of Johnson, Kraeuter & Dunn, to present to a group of over 75 family law attorneys and judges at the annual ICLE Nuts and Bolts of Family Law seminar in Savannah, GA.

Douglas’s presentation was entitled An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure—A Primer in Risk Management, Ethics and Professional Liability, and included many tips and best practice guidelines on how to prevent and address legal malpractice claims and State Bar grievances.

“Clear communication with the client and confirming documentation can be the difference between a malpractice claim or bar grievance being dismissed or not,” Chandler said. “The focus of the presentation was to help attorneys avoid issues, or quickly address them when necessary.” Kraeuter added, “Douglas has seen a lot of circumstances in his practice which allow him to help guide lawyers on the best practice to avoid trouble.”

The Nuts and Bolts of Family Law seminar, sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education In Georgia, is designed to provide fundamental basic support and guidance to family law practitioners. Visit the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia website to see other seminar details as they become available.

Douglas Chandler regularly speaks about legal ethics, professional liability, and risk management, and has published a white paper to help attorneys deal with GA State Bar disciplinary matters. For more information on scheduling a seminar for your firm, local Bar Association, or group, please contact Chandler Law at (404) 593-2670 or

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